I enjoy the challenge of turning ideas into material realities and discovering the pattern, meaning and connections in the process.  I create art in the hope that it will pass on a spark of joy in the world.

I enjoy the challenge of turning ideas into material realities and discovering the pattern, meaning and connections in the process. I create art in the hope that it will pass on a spark of joy in the world.


About the Artist

Cynthia Parker-Houghton is the Lead Designer at Natalie Blake Studios where she has created ceramic murals for public and private installations throughout the United States for more than a decade. Specializing in the sgraffito method combined with a unique form of sculptural ceramic tiles, the scale of the studio’s work ranges from highly detailed single tiles for homes to large-scale permanent installations for public art grants.

Cynthia’s personal artistic endeavors span a wide variety of forms including ceramics, costumes, quilting, and puppets. Her work has been featured in the annual Strolling of the Heifers parade in Brattleboro, displayed at the Brattleboro Art Museum, and she is represented in Brattleboro at the Fire Arts Gallery and Harmony Collective Gallery.

Cynthia studied Ceramics and Sociology as an undergraduate at Earlham College and went on to study Sculpture at Virginia Commonwealth University, Callanwolde Fine Arts Center in Atlanta Georgia, and at the Vermont Studio Center and Johnson State College where she received her MFA in Sculpture in 2006.